7 Easy Transcription Jobs You Can Start At Home Today

7 Easy Transcription Jobs You Can Start At Home Today

Let’s face it, finding legitimate work from home jobs today can be difficult. So many sites promise work from home jobs, but once you log in and create an account, they want money to get their “system”. Then there are the sites that offer you a chance to buy in a franchise that you can work from home, but they often require a lot of money to get into the business, then there’s the equipment costs, which can run into the thousands of dollars. If you’re looking for legitimate work, these 7 easy transcription jobs you can start at home today will give you a start.

1. Upwork.com:

This is a free to use freelance site where often the only equipment you need is headphones and a media player. After you develop a profile, select your membership (there is a free option that gives 40 connects each month), select your category (Admin/support has the most although you can find some in the writing-other category), select your skills, you are ready to start looking for work. When you find one that you like, you can bid on the job, where you will list your skills, how you will complete the work, set a price (pay attention to the client’s budget) and use your available connects. Once you start work, you will do everything through elance.com with payment being made through paypal.

2. VerbalFusion Inc:

This is an online site that hires entry level transcriptionists. They do require some software to be able to work for them, but they are relatively inexpensive. They will have you fill out an application (US Residents only), list any degrees you have, your transcription experience, how many audio minutes you would transcribe on typical days (they list each out) and how much you would like to be paid. They will then give you a test which you must pass to be able to work for them.

3. Accutran

This is another online site that works with Canadians and US only. Once you have selected the currency you wished to be paid with, a word document will automatically download available jobs. Again, you will have to apply, but beginners are welcome as long as you can type 70 wpm.

4. GMR Transcription

They accept new people. The main requirement is typing speed of at least 45 wpm with 98% accuracy. They will have you take a “Are You A Good Fit Quiz” either on gmail or Face Book. You must score at least 80% to move on to the application phase where you will upload a resume.

5. TigerFish.com

This is one of the largest online transcription sites around. With this site, you will download an audio file to transcribe as a test. Once you pass it, you will then move on to the next phase. This is available only to US legal residents.

6. Rev.com

Again, they will hire all levels of transcription experience. They will have you take a grammar test, have you do a writing sample and then a transcription sample. Once complete you submit it all and then they will contact you for work. They do have the style guide for review along with the keyboard shortcuts (if you are using a keyboard and not pedals).

7. oDesk.com

This is another freelance site. In some ways, it is easier to use than Elance in that you don’t have to select just one category to work in. Simply fill out the profile, select your skills, upload a picture and start looking for work. The clients will pay by audio hour, time (you will have to install oDesk.com time clock for the hourly jobs) and by the project. They also pay by PayPal.

While these are not all the places that you can find transcription work, these 7 easy transcription jobs that you can start from home today show you that it’s not always experience, but a willingness to try, to apply and work that matters.